1 Would like a quote on the build your own hydraulic door kit. For a 12x14 door.
2 We have two doors we need on the same building both in the building end. The building is new construction it’s a ICF building (insulated concrete form 6 inch concrete). One 14 feet tall 60 feet wide. Second one is 15 feet 11.5 inches tall by 19 feet 11.5 inches wide. We are interested in buying and welding up the doors. Can we use the same hydraulic lift unit on both doors? We are wanting to order in the next couple of weeks. Located in Oregon. thanks.
3 Built my own door and would like to put some of the hydraulic hinge on them
4 Email is fine. Do you offer a kit form if I have an organization that can do all the welds and purchase materials locally? I thought I saw that option at some point, but can’t find it anymore. Looking for 46’x14’ (12’ clear) bi-fold (24†wedge). Thanks
5 Looking for a price on the build your own hydraulic door kit and what is all included in the kit? Thanks
6 Would like to get estimates on 50’ wide 16’ clear hight door. Bifold and hydraulic. I'm also interested in the build your own door kit what is included in it?
7 I am designing a new hangar and want to be off grid with solar, batteries and generators. The Schweiss door will be 70'wide x 18'high. I am looking for a cut sheet or information about the start-up load and operating requirements to open the door. I currently have a Schweiss hangar and have been very happy with it. Is there a different power requirement between the bifold and hydraulic doors. Thank you
8 Looking to purchase a door power unit/controller for a BYOD project as well as becoming a dealer.
9 I am interested in a BYOD kit Price and Lead time for 12' high x 24" wide hydraulic door for and existing all metal building. What would be included in the Kit and are there any planes on what size steel I would have to use for door components. I have ability to fabricate the structural components and ability to install.
10 I would like to build my own doors. I would like a price on a pump, cylinders and hinges for a 10w x 14h one piece hydraulic door. Also would like cylinders and hinges for a 14w x 10h. I would like to run both doors with one pump.
11 I was wandering if it is possible to deliver in the Netherlands? A BYO door? Or is there a supplier in Europe/the Netherlands? I am interested in a door going downwards and a door going upwards as a gate door. The biggest door is listed underneath. I understand you will supply all the mechanical lifting hardware and size the steel needed for me to order locally.
12 Like to get a price on do it yourself kit for 20 feet x 8 feet hydraulic door Thanks Marty
13 Thinking about a 12' high x 24" wide hydraulic door for and existing all metal building. Do - it - yourself (BYOD) door kit. Thank you, Frank Cudworth
14 looking for a Schweiss BYOD kit so I can hang my own 20 X 14 door, (hyd.Cyl. hinges, hyd pump sys.) I would like to build my own door and use your hardware, if possible. Thanks
15 Hello, I am looking for an idea on cost to supply only the hydrolic system for a door that I would be looking to install on an outdoor kitchen at a clients property. approximate size would be 2.2m wide and 2.1m tall, the door would be of wooden construction on a metal frame. This is for a BYOD door you advertise. Kindest regards Bill
16 I have a 40' x 88' custom built pole barn style building with a 14' ceiling and 4/12 roof no overhang. I have 4" concrete down both sides with a 16' wide 6" concrete down the center. I need a 16' X 14' door but I hoped to build the door and use your hinges and pump (not the entire BYOD door kit). I live in Glyndon Mn by fargo/ Moorhead. It's been sitting without a door long enough, I think I can work with you. Maybe I would also buy the steel from you. Give me a call so I can start lining up what I need to do. AL
17 Do you have a Schweiss build your own door kit for a 10 x 10 door. I have a situation where a hydraulic door is the only option. The door is M panel attached to 2" x i/8" angle iron with fiberglass insulation. Probably in the 250-350 lb range
18 Dear Schweiss Doors We are interested in one of your solutions for containers. I would like a quote for the sidedoor solution, on a 40' container. So, : 40' container, one side that can lift directly up, and door in one end. It will need to be custom painted, would prefer a durable product, like epoxy paint, in a green nuance. And here's the treat : Delivered in Copenhagen, Denmark / Europe :) Alternatively, do you sell the door hinges and power system separately? Then I can get a local manufacturer to cut and mount your system. Feel free to ask away, thank you in advance Kind regards Martin
19 I am interested in your "BYOD" kit. My opening for the door #1 is 144" wide x 168" tall. Door #2 is 240" wide x 168" tall. Please let me know what each individual door kit would cost. Thanks in advance for your prompt attention to this email, as we are ready to install.
20 Please email me a quote for a build your own hydraulic shop door. Dimensions are: 10' 1 1/2" H X 40" W. Shipment will be to Oklahoma 73439
21 Would like to build my own door. BYOD is what I would like information on.
22 Residential garage. Interested in Schweiss hydraulic BYOD kit door due to need for clearance and backward sloping roof. Looking for estimate - dimensions are approximate. Already working with structural contractor - kit only. Thanks